Pregnancy Troubles and Update

  First I would like to say thank you to all of the people that have still been giving me some traffic on this blog although I haven't been very consistent this last month.  Honestly, this pregnancy has not been the best for me. Even this morning I am already worn out and my body feels like it can't handle much. I just feel really lightheaded and extremely tired and I'm not sure exactly why I'm feeling this way. The doctor has told me that it's due to my low blood pressure and although he's a doctor I don't really believe that to be true because my blood pressure has always been low. I've also never had to deal with this before during any pregnancy so I'm not really sure how to handle it especially now with still having to take care of two small children. To be honest, I'm not really sure how some women do this so many times but I know that this one is it for me.  No more after this! The papers to get my tubes tied have already been signed and ev...

Parenting Guilt

So I recently saw a post on Facebook this morning that said:

Do any of y'all moms feel bad at the end of the day when your kids are asleep and your just thinking I probably could've done more today? Like I should've played with them more. Or maybe I shouldn't have screamed at them when they didn't listen. Maybe I could've been nicer. I hate that mom guilt feeling.

I don't know about you but I feel this way almost every single day. Sometimes, I feel like I'm not spending this time wisely with them or like I may not be letting them be kids enough, or maybe I let them have a little too much screen time for the day. Thinking about everything of course brings about guilt except I don't think any parent, that is taking care of their child the best that they can, should feel guilty about any of the choices they make. Each child is different so how you parent them will be different and if there is something that you did that didn't like then change it. I know the base of how I would like to parent so that stays the same for me, but I change my tactics from time to time to see how well my children will respond. Parenting is definitely a learn as you go position and we have to remember that. So, what is it that you get parenting guilt from?


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